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- 09/02 Elena Borisenko, head of the analytical department of the RS Russia expert center, spoke about the successes that Russian road builders have already achieved in making our routes safe and comfortable, and what problems have not yet been resolved in this area.
World class security
Assessing the current situation with ensuring road safety on Russian roads, it should be borne in mind that we are a large country and each region has its own specifics in this matter and its differences from other subjects. Speaking about the country as a whole, it is impossible not to note the fact that recently we have done a lot to improve the level of road safety. Over the past 10 years, thanks to the coordinated actions of the traffic police, road workers and other structures on which the state of affairs with ensuring road safety depends, the number of road accident victims has more than halved. In many respects, this positive result was also achieved due to the increase in the technical equipment of our tracks with safety equipment. The condition of the road itself has improved. It is also very important that in recent years we have developed such significant structural programs as the BKD national project and the Road Safety Strategy. They provide us with a solid base to participate in the ongoing worldwide road safety project. This project includes five directions in which every country participating in it, including Russia, should act. First of all, it is the management of road safety, including through laws, regulations, data collection, analytics, the creation and development of organizations responsible for this area. All this is provided for in the Russian strategic programs for the development of road infrastructure. Also, the directions of this project require its participants to bring roads in their countries into a standard state. And this is the key goal of the BKD national project. The next direction is the creation of a fleet of safe cars, and here we are not demonstrating the best performance so far. We have a very large proportion of vehicles older than 10 years, and although we have introduced a new technical inspection system, I cannot yet say that it has had any tangible impact on the situation with the technical condition of cars on our roads. Let's hope that things will change for the better in the foreseeable future.
Another area is the education of safe vehicle users. This is the direct sphere of activity of our organization. The implementation of this direction includes the monitoring of drivers, pedestrians, their training, the prevention of accidents and the promotion of safe movement on the roads. In Russia, a large number of regional and federal events are held on this topic, with the task of informing and educating the population. All of them are also part of the profile programs of the BKD national project.
And, finally, the fifth direction is assistance to victims of road accidents. For its implementation in Russia, in particular, small aviation is being developed, ambulance cars are being retrofitted, as well as traffic police vehicles, where expanded sets of emergency assistance are laid for victims of accidents. Centers for providing emergency assistance are being formed at the junctions of regions. So we can say that we are working in all five areas. The most successful - for those that coincide with the implementation of the BKD national project, which included programs to improve road safety, and to train safe drivers (new driver training programs are currently being developed), and to develop a nationwide network for providing emergency assistance to victims of accidents.
Speed Audit
Another important international area of work to improve the level of road safety is the control of speed limits on the roads. In our country, however, the solution to the issue of reducing the non-punishable limit of exceeding the permissible speed limit is still opposed by both the public and many state bodies. In principle, I see some truth in the statements of public figures and government agencies that first you need to audit the roads and bring them into line with the speed limits that are defined for them. After all, indeed, there are cases when obviously lowered speed limits are introduced on certain sections of the road, and it is not clear how they were calculated. Therefore, it makes sense to conduct a survey of our roads and then make decisions on lowering the permissible limits for exceeding and on speed limits in general. But, nevertheless, there is now a worldwide campaign to reduce the speed limit to 30 km/h in urban centers. For example, in Paris, on busy streets, this rule has already been introduced at the legislative level. And, most likely, it will continue to spread, both in France and throughout the EU.
Dangerous Babies
Speaking of risk factors, one cannot fail to mention such a new phenomenon as personal mobility aids (IM), that is, electric scooters and electric bicycles, which have literally flooded the streets of our cities very quickly lately. They have become a real new source of danger on the road, primarily for pedestrians, but also for the SIM users themselves. Unfortunately, we, like the whole world, missed the moment when it was necessary to develop regulatory standards for SIM, eliminating their potential danger. This should have been done at least five years ago, when these dangerous babies were just beginning to appear, and it should have started with rental organizations, which should have been made responsible for ensuring the safety of the operation of the SIMs they leased. Now we have a situation where anyone can take the same electric scooter for the minimum amount and go in any direction and, what is important, in any condition. At the same time, SIM today is no longer an analogue of ordinary scooters, only with an electric motor. This is a very heavy unit, sometimes weighing more than 100 kilograms, capable of accelerating to 100 km / h. That is, the kinetic energy of impact during a collision is very large. At the same time, its user today, by law, is not a driver, but a pedestrian, that is, he can calmly, without breaking the law, move along the sidewalks. A few years ago, we were preparing a draft amendment to the traffic rules regarding the regulation of the use of SIM. It is encouraging that at the recent conference on kicksharing (short-term rental of SIM - ed.), a representative of the Ministry of Transport said that amendments to the traffic rules for SIM are now going through the final stage of approval. So we expect changes in their legal status in the near future.
So far, the share of accidents with such vehicles in the total number of road accidents is relatively small. But, firstly, the number of SIMs is growing rapidly, which was also affected by the pandemic. Secondly, in any case, it is impossible to leave a potential source of threat on the road unattended, so the regulation of this area should be started as soon as possible. Ideally, SIM should be placed on separate paths, for example, a bicycle, because they can’t drive on the roadway right now - they are controlled by the one who formally remains a pedestrian. But this issue, of course, will require significant funding, the source of which is still unknown. In principle, given that IMS play a positive role in unloading urban highways, and also, based on the obligation to take measures to ensure the safety of residents, this should be done by municipalities. But the participation of companies - manufacturers, sellers and distributors of SIM should also be considered.
Rescue Technologies
Separately, I would like to touch on the topic of the current level of equipping Russian roads with technical safety equipment. In Russia, a lot of highways are equipped with cameras for photo-video recording and monitoring the traffic situation. So far, a significant part of the purchases of this equipment is carried out by state organizations, in particular, within the framework of the Safe City program, in order to scale it up and increase efficiency. Unfortunately, in this area we are still heavily dependent on foreign suppliers of components for such systems, since their production in Russia has not yet received strong development. For this reason, there are certain problems in the maintenance of such systems. But the number of cameras is growing rapidly. Financial flows to the budgets of the regions from fines issued for violations recorded by these devices are also growing. At the same time, the level of safety on the roads also increases, because they try to install cameras, first of all, on those sections of roads that have already proven themselves to be dangerous. Separately, I note this point: over the past year, the installation of photo-video recording systems is less and less entrusted to private companies precisely because they set their main goal not to prevent accidents and identify real violators, but to make a profit. Recently, photo-video recording systems have also received a mobile version. They are equipped with traffic police patrol cars. There are also mobile road laboratories that control the correct parameters of road signs, note damage to the roadway and the coefficient of adhesion of tires to the road surface, and monitor compliance with road lighting standards.
An important part of equipping roads with traffic safety equipment remains such structures as barrier and cable lane dividers. These designs help to prevent frontal collisions and generally reduce the severity of the consequences of an accident, especially on highways. Their installation is carried out based on the results of an analytical assessment and forecasting of the potential accident rate of road sections. Such work, for example, is actively carried out by the TsODD of Moscow, similar structures in other cities, as well as departments for the operation of the road sector, are engaged in the same activity.
- 29/12 The main idea of the Campaign is to develop a safe road space by increasing the responsibility and understanding of risks among pedestrians as well as drivers. The main message of the Campaign was that the pedestrian is the freest road user. Road safety rules are a tool that helps the pedestrian to exercise their freedom safely by continuing to walk. Knowledge of the rules of the road, compliance with the norms of the culture of interaction on the road can make the pedestrian path truly convenient and safe.
Based on the analysis of statistical data, key problems and main risk factors for citizens of all ages were identified, and awareness-raising activities of the “Your move! Campaign” were aimed at them. A pedestrian". Particular attention was paid to such issues as crossing the road outside the pedestrian crossing area; safe behavior at unregulated pedestrian crossings and when moving along the roadside; crossing the road by a pedestrian in a place where the driver does not expect to meet him; teaching children the rules and norms of safety for pedestrians; explaining to older people the key aspects of road safety; development of a culture of using reflective elements to improve the visibility of pedestrians in difficult weather conditions, at night, and others.
The All-Russian Social Campaign 2021 was launched in the regions where, following the results of 2019-2020, there was an increase in the number of accidents with pedestrians. Events in online and offline formats were held with the participation of residents of 15 regions of Russia: Astrakhan, Arkhangelsk, Vladimir, Vologda, Kirov, Magadan, Omsk, Penza, Tver, Yaroslavl regions, the city of Sevastopol, the republics of Buryatia, Tyva, North Ossetia-Alania and Yamalo- Nenets Autonomous Okrug.
Campaign events were held in two periods - summer (June-August) and autumn (September-November). As part of the program, more than 3,430 events were held with a total coverage of more than 130,000 participants (more than 80,000 adults and more than 50,000 young road users).
As a result of the Campaign, a sociological study was conducted in the form of face-to-face interviews with 2,350 respondents in 8 federal districts of Russia. The effect of the Campaign, according to respondents, is positive: 91% of respondents noted that the program had a positive impact on their compliance with traffic rules as a pedestrian, and 82% - as a driver.
Despite the complexity of the work during the pandemic, it was possible to maintain a high level of awareness about retroreflective elements. 91% of respondents in Russia and 87% in the regions know about them. 71% of parents use reflective elements to ensure the safety of child pedestrians in Russia and 75% in the regions.
As a result of the Campaign, drivers began to pay more attention to compliance with traffic rules. In particular, they noted that they began to let pedestrians pass more often at an unregulated pedestrian crossing (Russia: 62%; Regions: 55%); they began to slow down when approaching a pedestrian crossing, even if there are no pedestrians on it at that moment (71% of drivers in Russia and 76% in the regions); began to wear a seat belt more often when traveling (Russia and the Regions: 82%).
The Campaign recorded a high level of seat belt use in both the driver's seat and the front passenger seat, as well as a level of awareness that the seat belt saves lives and health.
Almost all respondents (95%) consider the campaign “Your move! Pedestrian” is useful and speak in favor of the need to continue conducting information campaigns on the topic of pedestrian safety (97%).
In combination with other measures, the Campaign had a significant impact on reducing the accident rate. The number of accidents involving pedestrians in 11 months of 2021 decreased by 8.5% compared to the same period in 2020. The number of accidents that occurred due to the fault of drivers decreased by 8.4%, by 12% due to the fault of pedestrians.
Vadim Melnikov, General Director of the Expert Center “Movement without Danger”: “This year's All-Russian Social Campaign was aimed at the least protected category of road users - pedestrians. When the Campaign was being developed, we noticed that a pedestrian is the freest road user. If the driver moves along the carriageway, the passenger follows the route along which he is being driven, then the pedestrian is free in his actions. The events of the Campaign, which took place in fifteen regions of our country, drew the attention of citizens to the basics of road safety, which make the movement of pedestrians comfortable and safe.”
- 22/12 Yelabuga, Tatarstan, Russia, December 22, 2021 - Sollers Ford announces the launch of an updated online version of the Ford Safe Driving Academy - a free unique training program designed to increase knowledge of road safety. To date, the Academy team has accumulated a unique expertise and methodology for the theoretical and practical training of beginners and professional drivers in a live format, which is now reflected in the online version of the training program.
Ford's Virtual Safe Driving Academy is an educational program based on many years of experience with various categories of drivers. The project serves an important purpose - to draw public attention to road safety issues, and also provides an opportunity to get important knowledge on safe driving for free to the widest possible audience and thereby contribute to Russia's strategy to reduce the accident rate and achieve zero deaths on the country's roads.
The project partner is the Driving Without Danger Expert Center (hereinafter referred to as RBS), with the support of which more than 8,000 drivers have already been trained free of charge at the Academy in 17 regions of Russia. Over the past years, the Academy has gained recognition from the expert community and proved its relevance by annually conducting trainings for beginners and professional drivers. The 7th training season took place in October 2021 for 200 ambulance drivers in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region.
The virtual training program was developed by a team that included experts from the Academy, RBS, coaches and racing drivers - winners of Russian and international competitions, holders of the international certificate RoSPA (Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents) and the Austrian "Test and Training". When adapting the program, the natural, climatic and road conditions of Russia were taken into account, as well as statistics related to road accidents and key risk factors when driving.
Anyone can study at the Virtual Academy - the program is designed for those who are interested in traffic and automotive topics. The main audience - drivers - beginners and experienced, amateurs and professional carriers - those who plan to obtain or already have category B rights to drive cars and small trucks.
Taking an online road safety course will also be useful for those who act as passengers, as well as for pedestrians, cyclists, drivers of personal mobility devices (scooters, hoverboards, etc.), thanks to training they will be able to better understand those who drive a vehicle and as a result, they can adjust their behavior on the road. Increasing the level of mutual understanding between road users and the culture of behavior on the road is one of the most important areas of work in the framework of the prevention of road accidents, and therefore, special attention was paid to this topic as part of the training.
12 thematic blocks on key safety issues are included in the training program: seat belt and passive protection in the car; child restraint and transportation of children; alcohol intoxication, sober driver; reaction and response time of the driver; choice of distance; car preparation; blind spots; safe driving techniques; overtaking; movement in winter conditions, main aspects; braking technique (reception); maneuvering in a limited space; driving culture.
Training in the Virtual Academy can be done individually or with the whole family, including involving children and teenagers, since the interactive format and game mechanics make immersion in the subject of road safety an exciting process.
The project website is designed as an interactive illustration with different locations. After registering on the site, the user gets access to the lessons of the online academy. Training consists of two blocks: "Theory" and "Practice". By selecting one or another site on the map of the Academy, the user will be able to gain knowledge on one of 12 topics and watch a training video. Next, the user passes quiz tests to consolidate the material covered. In the course of training, after some lessons, users will open four mini-games on the topics covered. After completing the Academy course, each user will receive a personalized certificate that can be shared on social networks. Project hashtag #virtualacademyford
Ford Virtual Security Academy is based on a specially designed site adapted for mobile devices, so training can be done from the screen of various electronic devices (computers, tablets, laptops, phones, etc.).
Training in the Virtual Academy allows you to acquire knowledge that will help road users better navigate the road in all situations and minimize the likelihood of an accident.
Become a member of the project -
About the Ford Driving Skills for Life global project
The Ford Safe Driving Academy is a social initiative of the Ford Motor Company Fund, implemented by Ford Sollers as part of the Ford Driving Skills for Life global project, aimed at improving driving skills and reducing the number of accidents on the roads.
The Ford Driving Skills for global social program has been running in the US since 2003, has been implemented in Europe since 2013, and in Russia since 2014. Ford Driving Skills for Life is the first project in the history of the automotive industry to provide free
- 20/12 On December 20 a meeting of the Commission on Business Participation in the Implementation of National Projects #Association of Managers was held on the topic “The experience of business participation in the implementation of Russian national projects: results of 2021”. As part of the event, the Movement Without Danger agency received a commendation "for effective interaction with state authorities in the implementation of the National projects of the Russian Federation in 2021."
As part of the event, the Movement Without Danger agency received a commendation "for effective interaction with state authorities in the implementation of the National projects of the Russian Federation in 2021."
The meeting was attended by:
- Vadim Melnikov, General Director, "Movement without danger";
- Alexander Kaplevsky, head of direction, Competence Center Human Resources for the Digital Economy of the University 2035;
- Olga Ocheretina, Head of PR Directorate, Post Bank;
- Yulia Gryaznova, Head of Strategy, Research and Analytics Directorate, ANO "National Priorities";
- Oksana Kosachenko, President of the Sistema Charitable Foundation
- Kirill Tsikun, Director of Sustainability Department, Metallinvest.
The participants discussed how national projects have changed the lives of Russians in 2021, shared expert opinion on the implementation of projects, and talked about plans for the next year.
In his speech, Vadim Melnikov spoke about the projects within the framework of the national projects of Russia, which the Movement Without Danger agency implemented in 2021.
To improve the quality of the implementation of national projects in Russia, it is necessary to create an equal environment for business and the state, where everyone could be heard. The experience of companies that successfully implement national projects can be useful in achieving the goals of sustainable development of society.
Vadim Kovalyov, First Deputy Executive Director, Association of Managers delivered a welcoming speech at the event.
The event was moderated by Vladimir Torin, Chairman of the Commission for Business Participation in the Implementation of National Projects, Association of Managers; Communications Director, EuroChem.
- 08/12 On December 7, a press conference was held dedicated to the opening of centers for the prevention of child road traffic injuries throughout Russia. Centers for the prevention of child road traffic injuries are being opened in the regions as part of an all-Russian program aimed at reducing the number of road accidents involving children. From 2017 to 2021, centers for the prevention of child road traffic injuries were opened in 85 regions of Russia, and thus the program covered the entire country.
Centers for the prevention of child road traffic injuries are being opened in the regions as part of an all-Russian program aimed at reducing the number of road accidents involving children. From 2017 to 2021, centers for the prevention of child road traffic injuries were opened in 85 regions of Russia, and thus the program covered the entire country. On the basis of innovation centers, children from the age of 5, parents and teachers are trained in traffic rules and safe behavior in the transport environment.
The opening of car towns is carried out on behalf of the President of Russia V.V. Putin. The program is implemented by the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia together with the Russian Union of Motor Insurers with the assistance of the Ministry of Education of Russia, the Ministry of Transport of Russia and the Expert Center The "Road Safety Russia"".
A distinctive feature of the program is mobile car sites (car towns) with the brand name "Safety Laboratory"[1]. Centers for the prevention of child road traffic injuries are being launched in the regions on the basis of additional education organizations, after which a specialized bright yellow bus is transferred there, which leaves for settlements, including the most remote ones. Thanks to this methodology, the project has the widest geography of coverage in each region and a high level of efficiency in training the younger generation. From 2017 to 2021, 1,000,000 children and 80,000 adults were trained on the basis of car cities.
The speakers of the press conference were: Igor Yurgens, President of the Russian Union of Motor Insurers, Acting Deputy Head of the Main Directorate of Road Safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Police Colonel Goryainov Andrey, Deputy Director of the Department of State Policy for the Protection of Children's Rights of the Ministry of Education of Russia Yulia Kostyryachenko, Executive Director of the Russian Union of Motor Insurers, Executive Director of the Russian Union Auto insurers Ufimtsev Evgeniy, General Director of the Expert Center The "Road Safety Russia" Melnikov Vadim, Director of the Center for the Prevention of Child Road Traffic Injuries in Tula Groshev Yuriy.
Yurgens Igor confirmed the intentions of the insurance community to support the project to prevent child road traffic injuries: “We will prepare our proposals for the State Council of the Russian Federation, and if the State Council decides to continue the program, the insurers will certainly make their contribution. Looking at the positive result of our project, we look forward to further assistance from the Government to develop and improve the existing model.”
Goryainov Andrey presented accident statistics for 11 months of 2021: “Analysis of statistics for 11 months of 2021 compared to the same period last year indicates a decrease in the number of accidents involving minors (14680, -4.9%) and the number of children injured in them (15988, -5.3%). Almost half of the accidents involved child passengers. Pedestrian children were involved in every third accident. One in eleven crashes involved young cyclists and one in twenty crashes involved underage motorcyclists. At the same time, 79.4% of accidents involving children were committed due to violation of traffic rules by vehicle drivers.”
Yulia Kostyryachenko devoted her speech to how the road safety education system is generally built within the framework of federal state educational standards: “For the Ministry of Education of Russia, the prevention of child road traffic injuries is a priority area of work. Already, more than 7,000 educational organizations of preschool, general, additional and professional education are implementing various developmental programs on road safety, which involve a huge number of children. Our goal is to increase the reach of the audience and interest children so that it is not only useful, but also interesting. And it is the creation of centers for the prevention of child road traffic injuries, equipped with mobile car parks, that is a particularly effective pedagogical tool.”
Evgeny Ufimtsev expressed the interest of the insurance community in supporting the project: “For three years, we have seen how the cost of an OSAGO policy remains unchanged. Although the cost of cars and spare parts is growing today, and there are other negative factors, largely due to the work of the Safety Laboratories, there is a decrease in injuries, accidents, and the number of accidents on the roads. All this leads to the fact that the cost of an OSAGO policy remains at the level of 5,500–5,600 rubles.”
Groshev Yuri spoke about how the program is being implemented in the Tula region, where the first center for the prevention of child road traffic injuries was launched in 2017: “During the implementation of the project, 1,721 children aged 5 to 18 years old, including children with disabilities. The Center has conducted more than 230 events
- 01/12 The All-Russian Forum of YID has come to an end. For three days, members of the forum participated in educational workshops, a discussion plenary with representatives of government agencies, online tours and communicated with each other in real time.
About 14 thousand users have registered on the Internet platform of the Forum. Of these, 10 thousand are members of the UID units. The broadcast was watched by thousands of children all over Russia, there were also connections from the USA.
One of the key events of the Forum was the "Open Dialogue" with the participation of members of the legal profession, Larisa Falkovskaya, Director of the Department of State Policy for the Protection of Children's Rights of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and Vladimir Kuzin, Major General of Police, Deputy Head of the Main Directorate of Traffic Safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
At the event, representatives of the executive authorities and law enforcement officers talked about what worries them - about the prospects for the development of the YID, about road users on whom it is worth focusing the efforts of young traffic inspectors, about the use of artificial intelligence to relieve traffic, about the attitude towards distance learning . The main issue that interested all the guys was promising professions related to road safety.
It should be noted that special attention was paid to the Primary Career Guidance of Young Participants at the Forum. Master classes "Industrial Design", "Transport Modelling", "Urban Girl", "Basics of First Aid" helped to gain theoretical and practical skills from high-class experts and get acquainted with professions in the field of road safety.
At the master class “Road safety in the profession: to be the best”, Yulia Belyakova, director of government relations at Yandex Unmanned Technologies LLC, and Anton Kochelaev, radio host Komsomolskaya Pravda, spoke about the profession of an engineer, developer, IT specialist in the light of road safety, discussed why making drones in Russia means having a great competitive advantage, and also gave advice on how to convert the knowledge gained in the UID teams into advantages in the labor market and get a job in a “top” company.
On the third day of the Forum, a Resolution was adopted. The guys voted online on the further development of the YID. Thus, one of the proposals concerns the involvement of representatives of the
UID teams in the development of solutions in the field of road safety (infrastructural, educational, etc. projects) in the format of participatory design when changing the road space.
Also, an educational and entertainment program was presented at the Forum: on an excursion in the Technopark, the students got acquainted with VR devices and their use in education; learned to speak in public and reveal acting potential; Virtually visited the traffic police museum.
For everyone who missed the Forum events, there is an opportunity to watch it in the recording. For the Forum participants, video recordings will be available on the Forum's Internet platform for 2 weeks:
Those who have not registered on the Internet platform of the Forum will soon be able to see the recordings of events on the social network of the UID "Vkontakte" or download them independently from the Yandex disk
- 24/11 The Communications Agency RSR and the National Research University "Higher School of Economics" (NRU "HSE") are starting cooperation on the practical training of students. The cooperation agreement was signed by Vadim Melnikov, Director General of DBO LLC, and Andrey Melville, Dean of the HSE Faculty of Social Sciences.
Students of the Faculty of Social Sciences will undergo practical training in the analytical department of the RSR under the guidance of the head of the analytics department Elena Borisenko and Vadim Melnikov. Vadim Melnikov is a graduate of the Higher School of Economics, graduated from the magistracy of the Faculty of Sociology under the program "Applied Methods of Socio-Economic Analysis of Markets", and started working at RBS in 2009. Elena Borisenko is a graduate of the RSUH Faculty of Sociology, who has been working in the RBS team since 2016 and has extensive successful experience working on many projects, including national and international ones.
Internship at RBO is prestigious for students, since the organization has high ratings in the field of communications and services: it is one of the leading performers in the implementation of the national projects "Safe Quality Roads" and "Demography", has a consultative status with the Economic and Social Council Organization of the United Nations (UN ECOSOC), is a member of the leading specialized associations (AMP, AKAR, RASO, AKMR), ranks 12th in the Top 20 of the National Rating of Communications Companies (NR2K) , the head of the company Vadim Melnikov is in the TOP-10 leaders in the field of communications (AKMR) and in the top 250 top executives of the Top 1000 Russian Managers rating (Kommersant Publishing House), the RBO team is a finalist and laureate of many prestigious competitions, including the Silver Archer.
Novice sociologists will take part in RBO projects on analytical activities and sociological research in various sectors - security, road infrastructure, transport, construction, education, tourism, and a healthy lifestyle. In the future, the organizations plan to develop cooperation by attracting students from other faculties of the Higher School of Economics to practice.
“The implementation of joint projects will allow HSE students to gain work experience even at the stage of study, immerse themselves in the activities of a real organization, and understand the intricacies of organizing analytical work in the format of projects. To date, the first pilot research project has been launched, we hope for the development of cooperation,” said Daria Prisyazhnyuk, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences.
“Vyshka is a high-quality brand for personnel training. Working with students of one of the leading research centers in the country is a great trust in our organization, we thank you for this recognition. For us, working with the younger generation is an important mission, social responsibility and, of course, an investment. We will be able to see young professionals in real-life conditions and assess their potential. This is one of the most effective tools in the search for and fight for talents,” Vadim Melnikov explained.
“Cooperation between organizations is also useful in terms of exchanging experience,” noted Elena Borisenko, “HSE students will be able to share their knowledge and the latest developments gained at the Higher School of Economics, and RSR has extensive practical experience, which, in turn, will valuable to students.
The Faculty of Social Sciences is one of the most versatile at HSE. This is the result of the merger of the faculties of sociology, applied political science, psychology, state and municipal administration, which became departments, and a number of laboratories, research centers and institutes. Such a synthesis of educational and research areas in the field of social sciences is a characteristic feature of the best world practices of a modern research university.
- 24/11 On November 28-30, 2021, the All-Russian Forum of UID will be held - an annual event at the federal level.The All-Russian Forum of UID is held by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation with the support of the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.This year the Forum will be held in an online format with the possibility of interactive participation.For three days, the participants of the event will enjoy an incendiary concert program of the opening and closing of the Forum, educational master classes, a discussion plenary with representatives of government agencies, online tours, and interactive communication in real time.
The events of the UID Forum will be held on the territory of the studio and the Technopark with their broadcast online through a special Internet platform participants of the UID Forum register on the Internet platform and get access to view the Forum events and interactive participation.Also on the Internet platform will be presented the schedule of events of the Forum and news.
Particular attention at the Forum will be given to the primary career guidance of young participants. Master classes "Industrial design", "Road safety in the profession: to be the best", "Transport modeling, "Urbanist", "First aid" will help to gain theoretical and practical skills from high-class experts and get acquainted with traffic safety professions.An interesting event of the Forum will be the "Open Dialogue" with the participation of representatives of the State Traffic Inspectorate, the Ministry of Education and members of the judiciary. Representatives of the executive authorities and members of the judiciary will answer questions from each other and the participants of the Open Dialogue from all over Russia in the format of online inclusions and questions from the chat. The event will discuss the key trends in Russian and global traffic safety practices and the prospects for the development of law enforcement agencies.
An educational and entertainment program is presented at the Forum: on an excursion in the Technopark, students will get acquainted with VR devices and their use in education, with 3D printers, laser engraving machines; with a creative mentor, they will learn to speak in public and reveal their acting potential; Virtually visit the traffic police museum and get acquainted with its keeper.A workshop on the topic “Obtaining grants for projects in the field of traffic safety” will be held for the leaders of the police departments, teachers and employees of the State traffic inspectorate. The master class includes a theoretical part and practical tasks performed in mini-groups with mentors.
Schoolchildren, teachers, parents, representatives of the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation are invited to participate in the Forum.To participate, you need to register on the online platform Registration of participants is open from 24 November.
- 10/11 In November 2021, the All-Russian competition "The best teacher for teaching the basics of safe behavior on the roads" will start, organized by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. Contestants will be able to take part in one of the following nominations: “Classroom instructor of road safety”, “Best leader of a group of young traffic inspectors” and “Best road safety methodologist”.The competition will be held on the digital platform of the portal, teachers and class teachers of general educational organizations, teachers-organizers, teachers of additional education, counselors, educators, social teachers, methodologists, organizers of student self-government can prove themselves and compete for prizes. To participate, it is necessary to place on the digital platform of the competition a participant questionnaire, consent to the processing of personal data, a color portrait photograph, a methodological development on the topic of life safety on the roads, information about its implementation, a pedagogical case on teaching safe behavior on the road and the competition material in the form of a link to video message published on the Web “Pedestrian, stop!” with hashtags #BDD #Ministry of Education of Russia #VTsKhT #MentorBDD2021.The first - correspondence - stage of the competition will be held in November. Then the jury will announce the 15 best works in each category, which go to the final stage. It will be held remotely. Participants will be offered to pass 3 competitive tests: “The ABC of Road Safety” (you need to demonstrate the ability to organize the process of teaching children of different age groups to be safe on the road), “Attention, there are children on the road!” (to analyze a difficult traffic situation) and “Designing a section (module) of the development program of an educational organization “Formation of students' skills of safe road traffic”. The last test is a group test: participants will need to develop a section of the program of an educational organization aimed at developing the norms and skills of safe behavior on the road among students.All participants of the final stage automatically become finalists of the competition and are awarded with diplomas in electronic form. Also, in each nomination, the winner and laureates who took second and third places will be determined.The purpose of the competition is to develop a system for the prevention of child road traffic injuries, improve the forms and methods of work of educational organizations to promote road safety. And the main tasks are to identify and replicate the best author's methods and practices of pedagogical workers in teaching children safe behavior; motivation of the pedagogical community for the development of competencies in the field of education of a culture of behavior on the roads and the promotion of a comprehensive system for the prevention of child road traffic injuries by employees of educational organizations.The results of the competition, as well as the winners and laureates, will be announced at the awards ceremony, which will take place in December 2021.Also, all relevant information is available on the website of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Culture "All-Russian Center for the Development of Artistic Creativity and Humanitarian Technologies":