Russia supported the Third UN Global Road Safety Week
Road Safety Russia endorsed the Third UN Global Road Safety Week. The State Road Traffic Inspectorate representatives, Russian celebrities and children themselves addressed Russian drivers.
Every year, more than 190 thousand children die all over the world. Another child dies every four minutes. Road accidents are the leading cause of death among teenagers and one of main causes among children of five years and older.
The Third UN Global Road Safety Week, held from May 4 to May 10, 2015, has been announced by the UN General Assembly resolution “Improving global road safety”. The Global Week focuses on child road safety, aims to draw attention to the urgency of child safety issue and to initiate measures dedicated to the improvement of the current situation. That idea is represented in #SaveKidsLives.
At the heart of the #SaveKidsLives campaign – the Child Declaration for Road Safety, drafted in November 2014. The Declaration is noticeable for the fact that it is based not only on expert counsel, but on children’s opinion as well – in context of the campaign children have been asked what frightens them on the road the most, what questions remain unanswered or unclear. Declaration development has been based on the understanding of the main underlying causes of road accidents involving children, and on the analysis of a child’s mind. You can sign the Child Declaration for Road Safety here:
From the minute it was founded, Road Safety Russia has been paying special attention to child road safety. Education on responsible behavior on the road from childhood can not only lower the rate of mortality in road accidents, but also help raise a generation of law-abiding citizens. Road Safety Russia experts have formulated an idea of a continuous educational system for children – from the very first drive home from a perinatal center to final education in driving schools. To put this idea into action, RSRussia has created comprehensive programs for kindergarten, primary school, high school, university and driving school students. Adults have not been overlooked as well – special trainings and guidelines have been developed for future and new parents. Such programs have been implemented over the past eight years on an ongoing basis. All the developed materials have proven to be effective in Russia and beyond, and received international recognition. Russian experience was taken as an example for many projects in different countries of the world.
Prior to the Global Road Safety Week, Road Safety Russia held a series of events on child road safety, endorsing this way the #Save Kids Lives campaign idea.
Play It Safe
Accidents are often caused by simple mistakes that could have been avoided. Play It Safe – new joint project by the State Road Traffic Inspectorate, Ministry of Health and Road Safety Russia – can help you learn more about child safety. First initiative within the project involved informational trainings for future and new parents in perinatal centers in Russia, with the key topic being proper child transportation. After all, road accidents rank first in the list of death and injury causes among children under 14.
Trainings has been held for new and future mothers and contained information on safest ways of transporting a child by car. Special attention has been paid to the criteria by which you should choose a car seat, its mounting, installation and location particularities, and infant psychology, as newborns rarely prefer anything to their mother’s arms in their first days of life, so their transportation has its own subtleties.
Junior Campus
#SaveKidsLives received support from BMW Junior Campus children educational projects, carried out jointly with Road Safety Russia. Junior Campus helps children to learn more about rules of transportation in the city and main rules of behavior on the road. Under the care of highly qualified teachers, kids receive lessons on the most common dangerous situations that can be potentially harmful for pedestrians and bikers; they are taught to be careful on the road and to think about their safety.
Children used #SaveKidsLives signboards to draw their vision of safe transportation in the city for drivers, motor bikers, bikers and pedestrians.
In their drawings, kids asked drivers to slow down for pedestrians, transport children only in child safety seats, buckle up, not to park on crosswalks, and not to speed.
Safety Forecast
Safety Forecast – a joint campaign by the Russian Association of Motor Insurers, Road Safety Russia, and the State Road Traffic Inspectorate at the Ministry of Interior – has engaged many Russian regions from the first months of 2015. Target audience of the campaign includes not only adult drivers and pedestrians, but children as well. Two cartoon-like characters have been created solely for children – as heroes of a children play “Let’s Be Safe In Spring”. Together with road traffic inspectors, Lighter (“Svetik” in Russian, a lovable guy helping kids to learn something new about weather) and Tempest (“Nepogodka” in Russian, a girl full of mischief trying to get Lighter in trouble) teach classes on road safety for primary school and kindergarten students in 11 Russian regions. These classes are mainly focused on road safety measures under different weather conditions.
Prior to the Global Road Safety Week, Lighter and Tempest asked children to write and draw their wishes for adults. After the Let’s Be Safe In Spring play, and in all Safety Laboratories installed in recreational centers In Astrakhan, Voronezh, Volgograd, Yoshkar-Ola and other Russian cities, children left #SaveKidsLives signboards addressing drivers and pedestrians on road safety, especially in poor weather.
Children were not alone in urging everyone to be more careful on the road – representatives of the State Road Traffic Inspectorate, health and educational agencies, Road Safety Russia and other organizations supported the claim.
Drivers addressed on the radio
In support of the Global Road Safety Week, the State Road Traffic Inspectorate, radio station Militceiskaya Volna and Road Safety Russia asked Russian celebrities to address the public and draw attention to child road safety. In special radio spots Militceiskaya Volna listeners learned about safe child transportation, road safety for little bikers and pedestrians, and the importance of a parental example. Engaged celebrities also left their wishes for all road users on special #SaveKidsLives signboards. Such celebrities as Nikolai Baskov, Igor Nikolaev, Valery Sjutkin, Dmitry Malikov, Stas Mikhailov, Igor Saruhanov, Mikhail Shufutinskii and other famous artists participated in the action.
All photos made in context of the Global Week will be available to the public on Road Safety Russia web resources. It will be an additional call to the thousands and thousands of viewers to remember how vulnerable our children are on the road.
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