Only 30% of new drivers pass the exam the first time

21 October 2020

“Every year in our country, about 1 million new drivers receive a driver's license. At the same time, if you look at the average statistics for the country, from the first time the exam to the State Traffic Inspectorate, after the exam was passed on the basis of a driving school, about 30% pass. Of the 1 million applicants, 700 thousand people did not pass the first time. Imagine if such a situation existed in medicine, ”Vadim Melnikov cited the data.

Why is this happening? Our country has an approximate driver training program. "The status of an approximate allows a number of economic agents - driving schools to use the word" approximately "as they want", - explained the head of the «Road Safety Russia».

In Russia, there is still no unified educational program and methodological recommendations for teaching in driving schools. The level of knowledge depends on the specific educational institution. Finding competent professionals is not easy, especially in the regions. “On the basis of driving schools work masters of industrial training, who, in my opinion, have a fairly low level of requirements for entering this profession. In addition, in fact, there is nowhere to teach how to teach driving in driving schools, ”the speaker expressed his point of view on the problem.

Vadim Melnikov called for a comprehensive approach to the situation with training in driving schools and suggested taking the following steps:

modernize the status of exemplary programs. They were last updated 7-8 years ago, and the professional community criticized the results of these works.
to make a single standard, obligatory for everyone. If in Moscow, Surgut and Vladivostok they teach the same rules of behavior on the road, the driving culture will increase significantly.
the ministry of education and science can create an institute on the basis of which the training of professional personnel will be carried out. Moreover, a good program for these personnel will also have to be developed.
For example, when training specialists for driving schools in Germany, high demands are made. Along with basic knowledge, specialists study psychology, analytics, conflict management, and undergo retraining. In order to take a higher level in the teaching system in driving schools, from a simple instructor to a driving school director, a driver must constantly improve his skills.



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