Let's #SlowDown

10 March 2017

The “Risk-Free Road Traffic” Expert Center has supported the #SlowDown campaign launched in May as part of the United Nations General Assembly’s resolution on implementing the Decade of Action for Road Traffic Safety program (2011–2020).

The Decade of Action for Road Traffic Safety has started in May 2011, when its initiators proposed to unite our efforts to save millions of human lives by improving the safety of roads and vehicles, ensuring the proper behavior of road users, and improving the work of emergence services. The initiative was supported in more than 110 countries, and today, in line with this vector, they announced a new World Road Traffic Safety Week #SlowDown from May 8 to 14, which will remind drivers of the need to pay attention to the figures on their speedometers. Activists suggest you placing your photos on the Internet, calling for drivers to slow down, while tagging your posts with the #SlowDown hashtag.

Our Expert Center is happy to support the campaign of our colleagues and recalls that, while talking about our social projects, we also use a hashtag – a powerful tool for communication and uniting people. For a decade, our appeals #Пристегнись (fasten the seat belt), #Держи дистанцию (keep distance), say #Спасибоводитель (Thank you, driver!), etc., have not only found a response in millions of accounts around the world, but also gained popularity far beyond the Internet.

Join the road safety public awareness campaign! Add hashtags of social campaigns to prevent road traffic injuries and do not cease to say that road safety is an important element in solving socio-economic and demographic problems in our country and worldwide!




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