The priority for 2014 is to improve the attitudes and behaviour of Russian road users.

21 January 2014

The General Department of Road Traffic Safety of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs and NGO Road Safety Russia have summarised the results of an online opinion poll on road safety priorities held at the end of last year.

Visitors to the website of the General Department of Road Traffic Safety were asked the question: “Which road safety topics and problems do you consider the most pressing today and requiring particular attention in the coming year?” Respondents could select several answers. More than 10,000 people participated in the poll and more than 24,000 votes were submitted in total.

According to the poll, the attitudes and behaviour of road users is the problem requiring the most attention in the coming year. This was the response that received the most votes: 7300. Drink driving was in second place with more than 5200 votes, and more than 3000 votes were given to child safety as the highest priority for road safety efforts.

The remaining votes were allocated as follows: driving into the oncoming lane, 2600 votes; speeding, more than 2300 votes; pedestrian safety, 2200 votes; and prompt emergency first aid for people injured in road traffic accidents, 1800 votes.

Road safety experts, NGOs, and government ministries and departments have repeatedly noted that the attitudes, behaviour and responsibility of all road users are the key determinant of road safety. The high death rate among road users, especially among children, is directly related to the attitudes and behaviour of all road users, and it is specifically on this issue that the General Department of Road Traffic Safety and NGO Road Safety Russia will be focusing in 2014. A road safety culture has many prerequisites, including: sober driving, the proper transportation of children, and observance of road traffic regulations by pedestrians, drivers and passengers.



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