Interagency work group for improving the first aid delivery is formed in Russia

27 February 2013

Inter agency work group was established in late January by order of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation to improve the first-aid treatment in Russia. “” site believes it to be a unique event for Russia, since the problems of the first aid did not fit so comprehensively earlier, including the Soviet period as well. Prior to the Inter agency work group formation the work on improving primary care was conducted simultaneously in various ministries and agencies, and scientific community autonomously. Therefore, attempts to solve the problems of the first aid were isolated, and the coordination of joint activities was embarrassed.

NGO “Road Safety Russia” supports the development of first aid topic in Russia, and in partnership with an information resource "" opens “First aid on the road” website section.  It is dedicated to first aid and includes some materials: "Primary care procedure in case of auto accident injuries”, "First-aid kit composition” and "Organizational and legal aspects of first aid dressing to the road traffic victims". In perspective, the section will be updated with new instructions and helpful articles.

"Approximately two hundred thousand traffic accidents take place in Russia every year, - noted “Road safety Russia” General Director Vadim Melnikov. – It is very often the case that those injured in an accident are in need of first aid. It is essential for people who are in an accident or close to the scene be aware of what is need to be done in the current situation. It is for this purpose we create our web section. We hope this will help avoid errors and preserve human lives. "

First Aid is the urgent provision of initial care for an illness or injury usually performed by a non-expert until definitive medical treatment can be accessed. It generally consists of a series of simple rescue techniques. They do not require in-depth knowledge in medicine and can be implemented by anyone, including those without medical education.

"The Red Cross operates in many countries as the largest international organization with one of its objectives to train and organize the first aid treatment during the pre-hospital period - says the leading research fellow of the Central Research Institute of organization and informatization in health care service of the Russian Ministry of Health, M.D., Leonid Dejurny – Orange Cross operates in the Netherlands, and unlike the Red Cross directly involved in first aid. Currently there are many training programs and regulations (more that 200) on first aid treatment in out country, which vary enormously with each other. In order to build a system of first aid a single body with a right to decide has to be generated. Now the body is formed".



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