In Russia
- JAGUAR LAND ROVER introduced children to road safety basics
Jaguar Land Rover FIRST – a free educational project for children from 10 to 17 years – has started in October 2016 in Moscow region, Russia. This joint project by the Jaguar Land Rover company and Road Safety Russia was developed with the support of the State Road Traffic Inspectorate at the Russian Ministry of Interior.
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- Keep your distance
Weather conditions, traffic, and average speed may vary. What stays the same is the failure to keep a safe distance being the top cause of road accidents, as the driver simply lacks adequate time and space to take necessary actions and prevent the accident. It is equally important to maintain control over yourself and over your following distance, even if you are in a hurry, even if other road users provoke you to forget about safety.
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- Ford Defensive Driving Academy
Ford Defensive Driving Academy is an educational program on defensive driving for drivers with less than three years of driving experience, that is a part of a global social program by Ford Motor Company, existing since 2003 in 20 countries all over the world – Ford Driving Skills for Life.
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- Safety Forecast
Statistics from the General Department of Road Traffic Safety show that about one third of all road traffic accidents a year are caused by poor weather conditions. Contrary to popular opinion, rather than sudden snowfalls or unexpected rain, one of the main causes of these accidents is a lack of driver and pedestrian awareness of the impact of poor weather on road safety.
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- Brake in Advance!
Every year pedestrians account for one third of all road accident deaths. These road users are unprotected. If a pedestrian is hit by a car, they cannot escape injury. However, despite an overall reduction in the number of pedestrians killed, in 2013 the number of accidents at pedestrian crossings increased by 10.3%, and the number of deaths by 7.5%.
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- Above all, wear a helmet!
The General Department of Road Traffic Safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russian Federation and the NGO Road Safety Russia have announced the launch of their new nation-wide public awareness campaign, “Above all, wear a helmet!”. The campaign aims to improve the safety of drivers and passengers of motorbikes and scooters and advocates the compulsory wearing of helmets for all journeys.
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- Buckle up!
According to research conducted by the General Department of Road Traffic Safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russian Federation, only half of the Russian population always use their seat belt. For back seat passengers, the figure is considerably lower, at just over 10%.
The campaign objective is to explain to the entire population of Russia that wearing a seat belt is essential to protect one’s own life and the lives of one’s nearest and dearest.
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- Car Seats for Children
“Car seats for Children” campaign is waged in Russia for the second time. The first event was launched on 1 November 2011 and had positive outcomes. Nevertheless this is a burning issue because road casualties and injuries among children are still very high. That’s why it was decided to stage this campaign again.
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- Walk of life
According to the statistics, the number of road accidents involving pedestrians is still at an inadmissibly high level. For nine months of 2012 there were 43 385 of such accidents, 5 323 people were killed and 40 412 injured. 11 258 accidents occurred on pedestrian crossings with 727 fatalities and 11 437 injured. Figures speak for themselves: unfortunately, up to date pedestrians remain one of the least protected groups of road users – they are involved in nearly one third of all road accidents.
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- No Rush
Recently exceeding the speed-limits and discrepancy with the specific road conditions have become one of the main reasons for road accident and as a result annually thousands of people die and sustain injuries. According to the statistics nearly a third of all accidents happen due to the exceeding speed-limits and non-compliance of a speed mode. Thus with the speed increasing road accidents consequences grows in a geometrical progression.
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- Car Seats for Children
Children are the least protected participants of road traffic. If anything happens to them this is the fault of adults.
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- Passenger Right
The “Passenger Right” campaign is addressed both to drivers and passengers. They both participate in road traffic; the driver is sitting next to the passenger. We wish that every driver remembers that and each passenger is aware of the passenger’s rights.
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- Get glowing!
The main objective of the new large-scale social campaign "Get glowing! Be bright on the road! "is making road users more visible on the road at night. The campaign started December 1, 2010. State Automobile Inspection of the Russian Interior Ministry initiated this project with the support of the Russian Union of Insurers. The project is running by "Zavod consulting" agency.
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- Road Safety School
In summer 2010 a special bus-simulator began its trip to the child recreation sites – in this way a start of a new educational program for teenagers on safe road behaviour was given.
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- Road Safety School / Smeshariki
In autumn 2010 a special lessons have been held in the Russian schools. The program has been animated with the cartoons characters and devoted to the main rules of road safety traffic in a fun and easy for kids’ understanding manner.
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- Last oncoming lane
The main objectives of the social campaign "Last ongoing lane" are to warn drivers about the danger on the ongoing lane and to remind that loss of time is not comparable with the loss of life.
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- Had a drink? Don't start up!
From Novemder 2009 to January 2010 State Automobile Inspection of the Russian MIA, "Zavod consulting" agency with the support of the Russian Union of Insurers have run the social campaign "Had a drink? Don't start up!" aimed to decreasing of number of accidents involving drunk drivers.
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